JET Air Conditioning

JET Air Conditioning are specialists when it comes to commercial and residential air conditioning and heating. From installation to maintenance and servicing, JET Air Conditioning is your one-stop shop for heating, cooling and all things related.


Getting the cooling right in your home or office is simple once you talk to the experts at Jet Air Conditioning. After an initial consultation we will establish the size of the area that requires climate control before understanding any specific installation requirements for this site, for example a body corporate may have specific requirements on where the condenser is placed. We will then discuss the brands and the advantages and disadvantages of the different units we have access to before finalising the quotation.


To install an efficient climate control system, we need to understand how big a space is, to regulate the temperature, any variables that may impact the area (ie. automatic doors in a retail shop constantly opening and closing), and what level of heating or cooling is required. Once we understand this we need to establish any specific requirement for the site that may impact our choice of unit.

Services Offered

Broadly we offer supply installation, repairs and ongoing maintenance for heating and air conditioning units within Victoria. We service 3 broad categories:



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